My goal today = get one project done and off my list.
Sounds simple, right?
Well, it's not. I haven't crafted in quite a while and I needed it today.
I found this box at Target.

Filled with these greeting cards, perfect for the kids to give. It was on clearance for $2.50.
I kept the box, knowing it would come in handy for some project.
The kids really need a homework station. They sit at the bar to do their homework and are constantly up/down, up/down getting scissors, tape or an eraser. I need to have items contained so they didn't have to always search and create another mess. However the blue stripes didn't go in my kitchen. A little Basic Grey paper and we're good to go.

Brock even left his homework out from this morning which he needs to complete when he gets home. See how it almost hides under the edge but yet perfect for them to grab from ... and cute. Believe me, they'll think it's cool.